

f you pay one of the on line pronunciation services $2.99 you can have several different English speakers say this native name. Wa ha ka, is close to correct. The district is in southern Mexico and borders on the Pacific Ocean.  Not unlike the history of exploration...
Wakan Gli

Wakan Gli

It has become a bit of a religion in our house, watching Jeopardy. It is amazing how many answers I do not know. Periodically, there is a group of questions under portmanteau. In linguistics such a word is ‘a blend….a word formed, usually intentionally, by combining...
Randy Rainbow

Randy Rainbow

I am always searching for something uplifting in a world filled with political and social challenges. Often the “thing a ma bob that does the job” is not so far away.I drive the grand girls to summer camp each morning. There are days when they are so cute and kind to...


The wisteria plant grows out of control if left unchecked. I found it interesting that the American variety is less aggressive than the Chinese or Japanese varieties. Often referred to as the “mysterious wisteria” the plant heralds the arrival of spring with its...


I watch in disbelief as our political theatre plays out in the present. In war, the term “theatre” refers to a specific geographic area where operations are to take place. A bit different than the famous Globe Theatre in London.  I will get back to that topic in...