

The beloved symbol of Ukrainian national identity is the sunflower. The flower is called soniashnyk in the Ukrainian language. A Smart News article by Antonia Mufarech was very interesting and helpful in understanding the importance of the flower. The article traces...
Directionally Impaired

Directionally Impaired

I played a round of golf this week with a couple of friends. Putting is always a critical part of the game if the player is going to shoot the best possible score. My round started out with what I call putts that gave rise to the phrase, the dreaded nears. Although...


It was 106 in the Treasure Valley on Wednesday and one article claims Death Valley has received more rain this summer than Boise.  It seems most of our citizens finally grasp that the risks to our civilization from global warming are real.  The scientists...


I remain perplexed by the world in which we live. Facts do not matter much to so many of our fellow American’s. I have enjoyed the Science fiction genre that imagines there is a parallel universe. I am going to site Harry Potter since that is an excellent example. You...
Back to School

Back to School

I am a firm believer in the value of a strong public school system. It is likely no surprise the Idaho Freedom Foundation is doing all that it can to undermine the system. The Quality Education Initiative that will be on the ballot this year would  provide $323...


If you have not seen the Stephen Colbert impression of President Joe Biden, check it out on your favorite streaming service. This week Colbert took a moment to tease the President over the challenges he had getting his coat on after the helicopter landed. Joe is very...