Special Day

Special Day

If we are truly wise, each day is unique and should be treasured. No getting up on the wrong side of bed or feeling sorry for yourself. It would be perfect if there were no regrets or past missteps that haunt you. That would not be living in reality because life is...
Living Vicariously

Living Vicariously

I have used this phrase for years, generally to refer to specific activities of my daughters, friends, or acquaintances. As I typed the title for this week, I was motivated to see if my view of this indulgence was correct. I googled it and found the expected...


Pants I just took Mmma to the veterinarian for her annual physical.  Mmma is a border collie, blue healer, shepherd mix-a cow dog. The breed is known for their high level of intelligence and their tireless energy. As the dog reaches her 70th dog year birthday,...

Good Vibes

I met my neighbor a few years ago when he was walking Gandolph. Gandolph was the second Greyhound that he had adopted and the dog was a regal creature. In the winter, the very thin dog sported a fine looking winter coat. The dog was a very popular resident and...
Crocodile Rock

Crocodile Rock

Always looking for something new and exciting for the kids to do at the lake, my daughter discovered swimming in and between the rocks near Tamarack Bay in Payette Lake. On my first trip there with the grandkids, I opted to stay in the boat to keep us from drifting...
Fed Up

Fed Up

I have lost patience with the vaccine hesitant and the combatative anti maskers. I listened in wonder as a women in Florida explained why she did not want her personal freedom violated or that of her child.  No mask -really? What about the good of the human race?  We...