by mmooney | Nov 13, 2020 | The Friday Message
A cephalopod mollusk with a light external spiral shell – Nautiluses swim with the buoyant gas-filled shell upright. The largest and newest chamber is where the animal lives and the smaller chambers are used like submarine ballast tanks to regulate buoyancy. So...
Scooby Dooby Dooby
by mmooney | Nov 6, 2020 | The Friday Message
As I move ever closer to my 70th birthday, I find myself looking back to the good old days and those memories. I was telling my daughter and my golf partner, Frick, about a newly elected person in Oklahoma. The woman is Muslim and is a declared nonbinary person. Good...
Blue Moon
by mmooney | Oct 30, 2020 | The Friday Message
I read with amazement and great interest an article from Refinery29. I am looking forward to Halloween this year with all of the necessary precautions and creativity to entertain the kids and keep everyone safe. It is possible those who think mask wearing is an...
by mmooney | Oct 23, 2020 | The Friday Message
Halloween is heading our way and in spite of the COVID issues, the kids love this holiday. Ghostbusters does the trick for children of all ages and I now know all the lines from the movie. Yesterday was “decorate the haunted Halloween cookie house day” as...
by mmooney | Oct 16, 2020 | The Friday Message
Hank is a constant source of amazement for me – today he informed me that his friend is voting for Trump and he told him he is voting for Biden because Trump is a bad person. I asked how he knew that Fearless was not a good role model and he responded by...Categories