

I received a letter this week encouraging me to support a certain Senator because the liberals are after him. Since most of the country is missing sports, my first thought was to root for the underdog. The majority of Senate Republicans have forgotten their commitment...


Katie and Holt, my youngest daughter and son in law, invested in a great re-landscape of their yard in Boise over the last year. It was intended for their beautiful daughter Clio and for family and friends. The backyard has a large open Gazebo like structure that...


I am feeling very guilty this week as I have been hiding out in beautiful McCall with my family. It has been unseasonably wet and cool.   Nearly an inch of rain this week and low temperatures in the high 30’s. As we sit in the very lush forest surrounding our deck we...


I am one of those folks who were a late adopter of bike and later ski helmets. I avoided the certain embarrassment of my singing or dancing and spoke reluctantly to large gatherings.  I think my issues revolved around self image and ego. I had not yet realized that it...


Magoo It has been quite a while since I mentioned my Uncle Dick, this week I was reminded of his influence on my life.  Dick was my father’s only brother and basically a second father to my four brothers and me.  Very fortunate to have two role models – and they...


Hank drove to McCall with us this week. It is excellent when he wants to spend time with us. It is helpful if you know he is pretty smart with technology and an avid gamer.  During the journey he asked the question: how much longer?  We were not quite half way but I...