Freedom Rings

Freedom Rings

Independence Day is appropriately celebrated every year. It is said no other country can so clearly mark its actual day of creation. One thing that has distinguished us besides “liberty and justice for all” is our cultural sense of humor. Seems to me that freedom of...
Pixie Dust

Pixie Dust

Peter Pan’s great adventure was the theme of the children’s entertainment in Dallas. The adult aided children followed the clues to the treasure.  I think everyone knows the story and can tell you about Captain Hook, the creature with the ticking clock in his belly,...


I need to make a point to get out more as I generally meet very interesting people.  I had a morning coffee meeting with a friend at Hyde Perks in the north end. Miscommunication on the location left me sitting alone at a sidewalk table, a man asked if I needed the...


We spent a good part of last week in Dallas.  Sunday came and it was time to get on the airplane and head home.  Dallas is a Windy City and we were caught in a perfect storm of delayed incoming flights, flight personnel timing out, and apparently a quiet maintenance...
Old Ballgame

Old Ballgame

Texas Rangers versus the Baltimore Orioles in Arlington, Texas. Hank, Brian and I made it to the seventh inning stretch before it was time to head back to the hotel.  I seldom see a game anymore but I would never leave before the stretch because I know the fans will...
Rough Day

Rough Day

One of my clearest memories as a young boy was changing classes at the Methodist Sunday school.  My dad loved golf and he was serious when he told my mother that during the summer, he and the boys would worship outdoors at the golf course on most warm Sundays. I love...