I started watching the Bush Funeral ceremony at the Washington National Cathedral and could not stop. Funerals are intended to be uplifting as we celebrate a life well lived.  The George Herbert Walker Bush funeral was another chance for our country to understand and...


I am a fan of Harry Potter, a brave young wizard fighting against the evil dark lord. Nearly every witch or wizard does not dare to utter the unmentionable name – Voldemort – instead referring to him as “you-know-who” or “he who must not be named”. Yes,...


Five years ago yesterday my grandson Hank was born.  His mother cleverly deemed it as our Hanks giving.   The holiday in 2013 was actually on the 28th and not until this year does his birthday correspond directly.  I have always had mixed emotions about 11-22 as a...
Longer View

Longer View

This has been an unusually unsettling week. The optimism for change created by the mid term elections were quickly dashed or muted by the never ending breaking news. Unsubstantiated  claims from the highest level about voter fraud – most likely because the...


MMMa and I enjoyed the morning of November 7.  It was a striking sunrise on my birthday. The elections were finally over and I felt very positive that our country will truly see a brighter day. My sentiment is not about partisanship , I fancy myself as a “mugwump”...


The last known siting of this unique tree kangaroo was in 1928.  It was presumed that the species was extinct. The animal is so rare and elusive that it’s near 90 year disappearance was accepted because it supported the belief that it was gone forever. The Wondiwoi...