by mmooney | Mar 16, 2018 | The Friday Message
So many things to see and places to go in Arizona. I gave you an overview of spring training last week. The next three days I enjoyed great Desert Mountain golf courses. I am only going to say that I was thankful for the camaraderie of my fellow players as my game...
Put me in Coach
by mmooney | Mar 9, 2018 | The Friday Message
I was saying good bye to Hank and Margie on Thursday morning. Margie was happy with peek-a-boo and paddy cake as I asked them what surprise I could bring back from my trip to Arizona. I gave Hank a choice between a rattlesnake and a roadrunner. He wisely chose the...
Lucky to Live Here
by mmooney | Mar 2, 2018 | The Friday Message
I had a friend and business associate join us for a few days of skiing at Brundage. Mike lives in the Central Valley in California and has traveled the world. We drove Highway 55 North and enjoyed the beautiful and diverse scenery from Horse Shoe Bend hill Vistas, the...
by mmooney | Feb 24, 2018 | The Friday Message
Winter has finally arrived in Boise and the surrounding mountains. Karen and I actually enjoyed shoveling the 6 inches of new snow and the dogs are energized by the white fluff. It was minus 14 in McCall and the Lake is frozen solid except for the outlet at the...
by mmooney | Feb 15, 2018 | The Friday Message
It is finally snowing in Idaho as I write this note! In the meantime, I have played a bit of golf and settled for living my winter sports vicariously. I love the winter Olympics. Not just the sports you would expect – seldom seen contests like luge, slopestyle...Categories