by mmooney | Feb 2, 2018 | The Friday Message
I have an exceptional hairdresser – Tara always makes me look as good as is humanly possible. She cannot work miracles so my hair is the only highlight. Like many service professionals she has polished her interpersonal skills and is always entertaining. As we...
by mmooney | Jan 26, 2018 | The Friday Message
I have a friend, I will call him John for convenience. John appears fearless: an accomplished business person, athlete, risk taker, honest, straightforward, someone you can count on – we all need a friend like John. We often ski together and this winter we were...
The Octopus
by mmooney | Jan 19, 2018 | The Friday Message
Politics is a mystery to me. Leverage is frequently used to gain necessary votes, this is not compromise-it is expediency. This week our country and our financial reputation will likely again be put at risk while we properly debate DACA and building a ridiculous wall...
by mmooney | Jan 12, 2018 | The Friday Message
What is 70? Out of any context it doesn’t tell you too much. I attended the 70th birthday parties of several friends this year – those were events to celebrate. At this year’s Idaho Legislative event our speaker Dr. Gregory Washington took us back in time and...
by mmooney | Jan 5, 2018 | The Friday Message
Most of you are looking for the elusive work/life balance. I, however, am in pursuit of physical stability. I have been fortunate to enjoy eight ski days this season. Generally I would have picked myself up multiple times at this point after finding any number of ways...Categories