by mmooney | Oct 21, 2016 | The Friday Message
I was impressed with the Teton mastiff in Wyoming. If you haven’t stood on Galena Summit and looked over the Salmon River drainage, it must go on your list of things to experience. Looking west, 9 peaks, each over 10,000 feet tall, are a part of this rare and...
by mmooney | Oct 14, 2016 | The Friday Message
This week I attended the Idaho Hospital Association meeting in Sun Valley. I was proud to be recognized as the Trustee of the Year by the group. There are hundreds of exceptional Trustees in our State and each of them are deserving of similar recognition. All of the...
by mmooney | Oct 7, 2016 | The Friday Message
The Grand Teton peak is 13,775 feet in height. The Tetons are a part of the Rocky Mountains. Early French voyageurs used the name les trois tetons – the three nipples. It is likely that the Shoshone people once called the whole range Teewinot, meaning “many...
by mmooney | Oct 1, 2016 | The Friday Message
Is this marvelous tree in danger, you likely would think of forest fire as the major threat. This great tree reaches heights of 145 feet and the ripe old age of 300. You will note that most giant Ponderosa’s have old scars from historic fires. These trees are...
by mmooney | Sep 23, 2016 | The Friday Message
I recommend an early morning walk in the Boise foothills. Sunrise provides memorable lighting when the passing storms leave intricate cloud formations. Clouds are inspirational, like nature’s Rorschach test with self analysis. Song writer’s have found many...Categories