Soul Searching

Soul Searching

A life well lived is legacy enough. Not all of us can make a profound difference for the world. Each of us leave an indelible mark on our friends, family, co workers and circle of influence.  You may guess this is on my mind as I anticipate losing another...


I was playing a game with Margie, our nearly four year old grand daughter. I have to admit I was not giving her or the  game my full attention, she admonished me, Boompa, focus, focus, you are not paying attention. Margie was correct. I put all the other distractions...


It is an emotional time for many of us as we watch and wait for our government to represent we the people. Citizens laugh, cry, get angry and many apparently look for a certain type of temporary relief from anxiety.  Crocodiles actually do cry tears when they...


Merlin is a legendary Welsh figure best known as a wizard or warlock featured in Arthurian legend. Merlin as a magician has been featured in many fantastic stories. An original depiction looks a lot like Gandolph and Dumbledore of more current fame.  I was interested...


Merlin is a legendary Welsh figure best known as a wizard or warlock featured in Arthurian legend. Merlin as a magician has been featured in many fantastic stories. An original depiction looks a lot like Gandolph and Dumbledore of more current fame.  I was interested...


Each morning Karen and I walk the dogs, the later in the year it gets the darker it becomes.  We both conclude it will be good when it starts getting lighter again.  It is not exactly like wishing your life away but it does go against one of  my basic tenets. The...